If you can dream it, we can help you make it happen.

Business consulting that steps outside the box of traditional wellness care to deliver consistent, reliable results for your business + your clients … while aligning with your dream lifestyle!

Dream it

Build it

Grow it

Dream it • Build it • Grow it •

The RX consulting was born from the personal + business success of two female (mom)entrepreneurs in the Boston area who hope to share the joy, abundance, consistency + clarity of being a wellness business owner with other entrepreneurs looking to launch or elevate their business.

  • We will provide clear, step by step guidance to build a low investment, sustainable business quickly, without burnout.

  • We will hold you accountable, while taking out the fear around logistics and compliance with simple, easy to implement automation.

  • We will work on your mindset to make sure your business aligns your value as an expert with your lifestyle.

What can you expect from The Rx consulting:


Helping you to uncover your niche and unique abilities as a provider + entrepreneur to fuel your work.


A legal business structure that is compliant with all local, state and federal laws. Compliance is not something to fear!


A business plan that you can easily implement, that WORKS. This will help you market your services without the yucky feeling of cold sales calls.


Clear processes and procedures with proven success to make your life simple, reduce stress and most importantly… give you your time back!


Building your confidence and conviction to bring the best product to your customers and sell that product to prospective customers.


Life is short, and we spend a lot of it working. It can be and should be fun - we will help you discover that for yourself ( and trust us, your clients will see it too!).

  • Co-Founder

    I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy and certified pilates instructor. I own and operate The Pilates Rx in Somerville MA, offering private pilates instruction and physical therapy services for the modern athlete.

    After years of practice in the traditional outpatient orthopedic setting, while also teaching pilates in the early mornings and evenings after work, I felt completely burnout. Working 60+ hours a week with a high volume patient caseload was unsustainable, so after building a small but loyal client base, it seemed like a no-brainer to combine my physical therapy world and pilates world into one practice.

    Pilates is an incredible rehabilitation tool, and many of my pilates clients sought me out specifically for my physical therapy expertise. I began “business” planning and looking for the perfect space, and in early March 2020 I waved (there was already no hand shaking… ekk) hands with my new landlord and signed a lease on our first office space. I planned for a slow first two weeks, like most of the world, and then quickly began to realize my business plan would need a total overhaul. I went from having a strong client base to an empty schedule and the expenses piling up. It sounds cliche, but failure was not an option for me, so with a few pivots and many long hours, the business slowly started to take off. I credit a specific niche, flexibility, and a true passion for what I do to my initial success.

    Fast forward to today, about 3.5 years since opening, and we’ve expanded into a new office space, added 5 employees and 4 support staff, and most importantly helped hundreds of clients meet their rehabilitation and fitness goals. And I am still having fun doing it!

    Additionally, after seeing the success of this business model for our clients and our staff, I supported Dr. Gabby Callagy to open The Run Rx, a sister company under The Rx Movement. I look forward to supporting other entrepreneurs meet their personal and business goals in the wellness industry.

  • Co-Founder

    I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and strength & conditioning specialist with expertise in detailed gait analysis. I own and operate The Run Rx in Somerville, MA where we offer performance physical therapy and personal training for runners of all competitive levels.

    After 6 years working in the traditional physical therapy setting (and particularly through COVID), I was burnt out and questioning whether I'd made the right career choice. I spent every year right up and through the first few months of The Run Rx working multiple part-time jobs in an effort to pay down student loan debt. One of those jobs was maintaining private personal training clients. After or before a full day in the clinic, I’d meet clients in their homes, at a local park or their office gym. A trunk full of bands and kettlebells in tow. Those clients placed high value on a trainer they could trust with an advanced degree in physical therapy, specialization in their sport and a lens for keeping them injury free.

    COVID was a pivotal moment of simultaneous mental fatigue and recognition of that value I had to offer. My former colleague, Dr. Allie Duffy had been in my ear throughout this year as well. She knew that my experience was being underutilized and through the success of her own at The Pilates Rx, saw a massive opportunity to share my skills in a more impactful way through a similar model.

    I started The Run Rx in February 2021 to provide more specialized attention with my runners, to bridge the gap between rehab and performance at all levels and create a lifestyle for myself that gave me freedom to be entirely myself and care for my clients how I wanted. The result: I was happier in work and life and so were my patients. Now, 2.5 years since opening, we’ve expanded into a beautiful new space, added 2 full time clinicians and most importantly we’ve helped hundreds of runners get back to doing what they love or reaching their full potential in their performance goals. I realized quickly that I do still did love what I do, I just hadn’t been doing it in a way I really believed in. way I really believed in.

    Expert Areas:

    • Marketing

    • System Integrations & Automation